Saturday, May 25, 2013


Kaylee is the anatagonist in the Nickelodeon series Life with Boys. She is Tess's arch enemy.Kaylee is arrogant, mean, and fierce. She hates Tess because Kaylee is the most popular girl in school and popular girls only make friends with the "populars". She is very ditzy and self centered. Tess and Allie have implied that she is stupid and notes that she doesn't even know who Albert Einstein is.
Kaylee is also the head Cheerleader at their school. She is also on the same cheerleader team as Allie. There are hints that she might not like Allie because she is friends with Tess and she also hates Sam Foster. She often bullies Tess and calls her names, usually "Boy - Girl Freak", because Tess is a female wrestler.Kaylee has long blonde hair with highlights. She is tall and slender, and taller than both Tess and Allie. She wears braces because she has an over bite. She's interested in fashion.

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